It was a trek and at times I didn't think that we would make it, but I am SO glad that we went!
So, Part One of our journey -- Ocean Springs.
Stephen and our babies and The Farleys (My sisters family) caravaned together. The ride down there was awesome. We stopped every two hours at big rest stops, so the kids could run around. We made it there in 8 hours -- no meltdowns. Ocean Springs is an ADORABLE little town and Papa Steve & Mama Jude live right in downtown. We would walk every morning to get coffee at a cute little coffee shop... on our way we would swing by the condo Amy and Damon rented to get them. In the afternoons, we would walk around the festival or or shop or play in the yard... The weather was gorgeous so we spent most of our time outside. We got to see a ton of Stephen's family that we hadn't seen in a while. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pics of this leg... I vow next year to be a better photographer. See pics on my sister Amy's blog --
Family Pic on Ocean Spring Beach
Ivy, Mitchell, Briellen, Luke, Sidney

Part Two of our journey -- Luke Lure, NC
Lake Lure is a gorgeous little town right outside of Asheville, NC. Part of the movie Dirty Dancing was filmed there. We have been going there since we were little... We are very close to my Aunt Margie, so it was SO much fun to see her and have her get to see the babies at this age! Stephen had to fly home for work after MS, so Amy's husband was our "Dad for the week" I can't even begin to tell you how incredible he was... Packing/unpacking my car, loading/unloading stroller, chasing babies around rest stops, reading to them, feeding them! Thanks Uncle D! My mom, Nain, also flew in to MS to make the leg to North Carolina... All I have to say is God bless Grandmas!!
The first couple of days we were there it rained, rained, rained. Our saving grace was the HUGE covered front porch the house had where we were staying. Aunt Margie had several outings planned for us that got us out and about... We got to meet her church friends who have been praying for us... We got to meet her "Inn" friends. (They meet once a week at the Lake Lure Inn for cocktails.) So, yes, it was the babies first time in a bar! It always amazes me how sweet people are with the babies -- The Mayor of the town was there that night and when we went outside for a change of scenery, he followed Luke around a circular garden bed 1 Million times! Loved it. The last day we were there we got to venture out and explore...
And lastly, the ride home -- 19 hours -- 2 days -- ROUGH -- next time we fly!
View From Front Porch
Uncle Damon with Brie, Cousin Aiden, & Mitchell
Nain & Aunt Margie
Our Morning Walk
(You can't tell from this picture, but it was a
mountain and I almost died!)
Damon, Amy, Nain, Aunt Margie
Lunching in Chimney Rock
(In front of the river that holds happy childhood
memories for me!)
Elle & Amy
At the Inn
(Dang camera! Don't know why this is blurry, but
had to post!)
Flashback -- Aunt Margie with Babies 8 Months