Tuesday, December 30, 2008

6 Month Update

I can't believe that holidays came and went so fast! I don't think that I have ever been so busy. Shopping, Wrapping gifts, Christmas Cards. Well, I only got half of my cards out and none of my shopping for Stephens family done yet, but I tried really hard.

Mitchell, Ivy, Luke, Sidney, Brie

Here is what has been going on with us this past month:

The weekend after Christmas, we started the "Ferber" method sleep training for the babies. To be short, it is a cry-it-out method. I was starting to pull my hair out running into the nursery every two seconds to soothe a fussy baby or put a pacifier back in a babies screaming mouth. I was tired of being up all night even though we have night help because there was always someone needing something! SO I took the pacifiers away and let them cry... And it WORKED! There were many times that I didn't think it would and many times I was crying as hard as they were, but in the long run bedtime and night times are a million times better. Naps are getting better. Next step, take away 2 am bottle!

We are working our way through Stage 1 Foods... So far, they like sweet potatoes the best. Little Ms. Brie still throws a big hissy fit if food even gets near her mouth. You wouldn't believe how silly I have to be to distract her just to get two bites into her mouth... After the 2 bites, it's a major meltdown. I am tempted to just let her skip dinner, but I am more stubborn than she is and try every evening. Oh, my babies reminded me that I live a not-so-glamorous life anymore the day after we tried prunes!!

This week we had sickness creep in our home. Despite my Nazi behavior when it comes to hand-washing, some how Mitchell caught a cold. Brie and Ivy caught it next and I am just waiting for Sidney and Luke to get it... Like I don't have enough to do already, we just added inhalers, saline drops and bulb syringes to my list!

The babies are rolling around, drooling like mad, laughing and talking all the time. Things are becoming a titch easier... Maybe I will survive!

More Christmas Pics:

Papa & Sidney

Stephen & Brie

Uncle Neal & Luke

Aunt MarMar & Ivy & Cousin Brynne

Aunt Mimi & Ivy

Margaret, Ellen, Amy

Grandma Nain & Luke


  1. SO glad they seem to be sleeping better! That is a huge blessing!
    They are just adorable!!
    Good luck keeping them all well!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Oh my, they are growing so fast!

    So glad to hear they are sleeping better at night....that 'cry it out' can be so hard on mom!!! I often wondered if the folks who suggested that ever did it.....they must have since it does work with most kiddos, but the torture to the poor mamas!!

    I keep hoping I can help again soon.


  3. So sorry to hear that the little ones are sick. I am glad to hear that they are sleeping through the night better for you. They are getting big. We LOVED the Christmas card, and the Christmas pics are adorable!
    Jess & Drew

  4. I am SO glad to see that things are going well for you! I have tried to call you but got a busy signal every time. I want to talk with you and maybe have lunch....Happy Holidays and Synagis only 3 more times!!!

    Love ya
    The Brown Bunch

  5. I love the pic of the five in their bow shirts. Too cute. They are alla dorable. I miss this days so much when mine were that little. They grow up quickly. Keep up the great job.

  6. I stumbled across your blog today and I must say that your babies are simply adorable. I laughed so hard at the picture from the rear-view mirror! You have a beautiful family!!

  7. Just wanted to add... if you're in need of a family picture, I happen to know of a photographer who would love to bless you guys! :)
